by - 05:05

“Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.” — Marc Jacobs

Hey there! Hope the fam is doing great. As the year is about to end, I'm feeling quite excited about the new year and new things coming my way!! December has to be my favourite month this year as it came out to be quite productive and lucky for me. I got a lot of opportunities for my work, met a lot of great people this month plus my submissions went well. :P Haha! 

I was quite excited about this post and couldn't hold anymore to share this one with you. So as buying a designer attire is not everyone's cup of tea (including me), but everyone has a dream of having those celebrity feels in that favourite piece of cloth. Date The Ramp is coming to the rescue here. 
Recently I collaborated with Date The Ramp, a luxury fashion rental website which helps you experience designer fashion. 
The website is all about renting fashion labels for your special occasions so you could feel that celebrity in you. They've a wide range of designer clothes and accessories which are love at first sight. I ordered two dresses from two different labels; Ritu Kumar and Deme by Gabriella and felt absolutely amazing carrying them. 
Head over to their website to know more - http://www.datetheramp.com

LOOK 1 - Black Beauty Long Dress by Ritu Kumar 
Ritu Kumar is the first designer to introduce boutique culture in India and deals in bridal couture and is known for her unique style that subtly reflects the Indian culture and traditions through her contemporary outfits.
I'm wearing this black gown from Label Ritu Kumar. The dress is quite simple but comes out to be  perfect when carried. Specially the work on neck which is subtle but an amazing piece of creativity. Not to forget the neckline and back; they equally add elegance to the dress. 

LOOK 2 - The Sandra Gown by Deme by Gabriella 
Established in 2012 , by designer Gabriella Demetriades, Deme, is a premium end, ready to wear women’s clothing label. Synonymous with elegant, well designed and beautiful garments Gabriella’s passion for making women feel gorgeous comes through in each collection.
The gown by Deme was surely love at first sight. From colour to fitting and feeling amazing was 10/10. I enjoyed carrying this gown and was mesmerised by the design and the look of the gown. This gown is surely made to hit the ramp and make an appearance.   

Pictures - Bhanu Kashyap 
Location Courtesy - Marine Drivve 

Hope you enjoyed the post!
Until next time

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